boundless [bound-lis] : adj
1.having no bounds; infinite or vast; unlimited.
-think bigger - think boundless.
Our mission at Boundless Leadership Consulting is to work with organizations, management and other important stakeholders to enhance their level of professionalism and organizational effectiveness, as well as enrich the quality of life of personnel.

Bernie’s passion and purpose for creating Boundless Leadership Consulting is to integrate his professional experience and educational background in a positive and worthwhile endeavor.
He began his policing career in 1983 as a Miami-Dade Police Officer. He served as a Special Response Team member for 7 years before getting promoted to Sergeant. He progressed through the ranks up to the position of Police Chief, serving in administrative, operational, investigative, and educational positions along the way. While a member of the Miami-Dade Police Department he obtained two Graduate Degrees in Criminal Justice and Organizational Leadership as well as a Doctoral Degree in Organizational Leadership from Florida International University and Nova Southeastern University. He was hired as an adjunct professor and taught many courses in the field of Criminal Justice, Organizational Leadership, and Public Administration from Florida International University, Nova Southeastern University, St. Thomas University, Lynn University, and Charter Oak State College.
In 2010, after over 28 years of distinguished police service, Bernie retired from the Miami-Dade Police Department and accepted a consultant position as a Senior Police Advisor (Deputy Manager), under the Central America Police Reform Initiative (CAPRI) within the U.S. State Department, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL). He currently serves as the Deputy Manager and answers to the CAPRI Director. Bernie is responsible for managing all police and governmental reform initiatives under the CAPRI program and supports the CAPRI Director to evaluate, enhance, and create new programmatic assistance being delivered in Central America. Bernie now lives in Florida with his wife Marta.